From 16/11/01, each time I add a new update (as only 4 fitted on the page at that moment), the bottom archive will go in here.


3000 Users today! Site still not back on Google, but I am still getting users. I am fighting with Tripod over disk space. They say they have blocked my account, but I am still able to upload and do this. Wierd...


The IB Notes Site has somehow been removed from Google. I have complained and it will be back soon, hopefully! In other news, the IB Mentor site, listed below, has failed, and although the site still exists, don't bother going there. But in better news, the site has received a much needed revamp. To celebrate 2000 users.


I have to advertise another site on here. There's a new IB Mentor program starting up. If you need help with anything IB related, go to This Site and follow the links about "Getting started"


I added the History notes. A bit hurried, but they are there. If you need notes on Topics 1 and 3, my notes are there for you to use wisely.


As of this morning, The IB Notes Site has 1000 users (and that's different users, the counter only goes up when a new user comes in!). I am very impressed. Please spread the news around about the site.


The site is now bilingual. I have written an index in German, found by clicking the flag link at the bottom of the page. More translation to come soon if it is used often enough. I assume it won't, so don't expect it to hang around for a long time.


I have just discovered that this site is now registered on Google™. Hopefully more traffic now! Also I have deleted the Feedback page, because I seem to be the only one able to access it. PLEASE send me comments, questions, queries at this email The link to the email is down the bottom of the page.


I thought I would share my IB results with people here. I received a "6" in HL English, HL German and HL Latin, and a "7" in SL Physics, SL Maths and SL History. So there's more reason to use my notes. I also got a +3 for TOK and EE, making 42/45, and also 87/100 for HSC Classical Greek.


Added the extra classical greek notes. I hope they help someone.


Enjoy the music in the archive section. I'm sorry it has to be MIDI, but the MP3 and AIFF files I had didn't work. If you know how to do this properly (I was using QuickTime), please email me. I also added a Feedback Notice Board, but I don't think that's working either..


Over 100 users in one week, and the site hasn't even been registered on any search engines yet. I am very impressed! Please send me feedback on the site. And I promise I'll get the rest of the notes up soon!...


Added Physics notes. Took away that annoying front page and made another one. The disclaimer page exists still but it is a condition of downloading that you have read it. Also added an archive for these messages. At the moment it's empty.


Tried to fix up this page. I still can't get it looking nice. Added the new logo... it looks like I drew it and scanned it, but I didn't... Wrote to Google, so the site can be advertised there..


Site is opened onto the Internet. Still a lot to do. My apologies while I get the site up and running. Please send me your comments about the site, can you read this text, for example?????


Site construction reached a point where it was almost ready to be opened to the Internet. Only Maths, German & Latin links and notes are up so far. The PDF takes soooo long to do. I really hate that casino advertising too! So annoying...


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